Brazilian pilot, Marcella Uchoa has just set three new distance records with a single flight: Straight Distance, Straight Distance to a declared goal and Free Distance using up to three turnpoints
Marcela launched from Assu, in Rio Grande do Norte, landing 10 hours later at Tamboril in Ceará, with a straight distance of 411 km.
In Marcella’s words:
“The flying conditions of my record flight was very difficult. Turbulent, blue and very challenging. I was the last one to be towed, so I flew the first kms by myself, then I was able to connect with Frank Brown and Marcelo Prieto and later on we connected with Samuel Nascimento and Rafael Saladini. It was very very turbulent, it was not easy to fly the Enzo S in those conditions, so I was able to eat something only after 2pm. I think I did not fly very well, I always climb well, but that day I could not do it very well. Only between 10-12pm we had clouds. After Quixeramobim, turned blue again and the whole flight there was a thermal inversion making it more turbulent. We had several low saves. And when I thought it was getting weaker (I was …read more
Source:: Ozone Paragliders