After 4 valid tasks, the Spanish Nationals celebrated in Àger has come to an end. Our team pilot, Xevi Bonet reports:

“We flew 4 excellent tasks. The first day, with westerly winds in the forecast, the task was a 128 km race to goal, a direct line from the official take off to Sant Pere de Torello. The winner of the day was Felix Rodriguez who flew at an average speed of 44 km/h!!!

The second task, of 71 km, started along Àger Valley and continued into Isona Valley. This task finished in the nicest goal in the area, El Xiringito right at the shores of La Pobla de Segur’s swamp. The winner was Mario Arque on his Zeno.

The third task, with more southerly wind flow, we flew straight into the core of the Pyrenees, with goal in the well known Valle de Boi. The young french pilot, Tom Chauvin, won the task on his Zeno.

The fourth and last day of competition, with big cloud developments for the afternoon, the task was a 60 km race to goal towards Vilanova de Meià, flying along Isona Vallley and with goal, once again, in Xiringuito. This time I was the lucky …read more

Source:: Ozone Paragliders