Our pilots achievements in 2017 …read more
Source:: Niviuk
paragliding paramotoring acro hang gliding speed flying bivouac
Our pilots achievements in 2017 …read more
Source:: Niviuk
Iceland is known from its amazing landscapes and tough island weather. It is one of these very special destinations, where most of the paramotor pilots dream about.
In August last summer a group of pilots, mostly from USA spent two weeks on a road trip in Iceland flying in several locations. Seems like they have been very lucky with the weather conditions as all their pictures and videos are looking simply amazing. Among others, tree pilots were flying OZONE wings: Miroslav Svec (Viper 3), Matej Roder (Roadster 2) and Tucker Gott (Viper 4)
Tucker Gott reports:
“Iceland is easily the most beautiful place I have ever flown a paramotor. From the very first flight above glaciers and high mountain peaks, I knew this place was special. We lucked out with near perfect weather and the golden light was amazing the entire week. My favorite flight was a cross country adventure to the Maelifell volcano. It was nearly a two hour flight which began in green and black mountains. As we neared the volcano, the landscape opened up to flat black plains where the bright green volcano rose from the ground. My second favorite flight started in Skogafoss and continued down a cliff face …read more
Source:: Ozone Paramotor
Tim Alongi (FRA) won the Acro Masters battle tournament at the French La Reunion island flying his AirG Emilie. After the Acro Game in Organyá, the annual Sonchaux Acro Show in Villeneuve this contest was the third high-level invitational battle-type event of the year – so no doubt now that this competition format is spreading fast! A total of 16 pilots high level pilots from 11 nations were invited to participate. All the competition runs were launched via d-bagging out of a helicopter. Chilean Vice World Cup Champion, Victor ‘Bicho’ Carrera came second flying the Sessions – a new wing soon to be released by Ozone.
Source:: Just Acro
“I did wonder if this wing would be the hang gliding equivalent of a donkey in a steeplechase … but it’s just a lovely, lovely glider.” Richard Sheppard goes for a whirl on the mid-range Moyes Gecko – and finds it’s the start of a beautiful bromance. Find out more, subscribe, and never miss an issue …read more
“Doubling the wind speed can quadruple the strength and viciousness of the turbulence.” All pilots need to keep an eye on the dangers of strengthening wind, says meteorologist Honza Rejmanek, so let the skies be your guide. Lesson one: watch out for those lenticulars. Find out more, subscribe, and never miss an issue …read more
Anyone for a flight at the Barrel of Death? Just pack your speedwing and book a flight to Crimea. Alexander Deyev takes us on a breathtaking tour of the peninsula and explains why it’s a magnet for the speedflying set. Find out more, subscribe, and never miss an issue …read more
“The writer in me struggles to describe the sensation of being under those monster cloud streets high above the Ceara flatlands.” It’s back to the breach for James Johnston as he continues his epic tale of man versus Quixada – and his quest to fly further than any Kiwi has flown before. Find out more, […] …read more
“The drones are coming, and the decisions about how they will operate, who can pilot them, and where they can go are being made right now.” Drones are the new kids on the block, so we’ll all meet one sooner or later. We went behind the scenes to discover everything you need to know. Find […] …read more
“The Mentor 5 had no right to survive in these touch-and-go, light conditions, but slowly we crept up – and took the ride right up to the edge of airspace. “There is no doubt about its performance. The climb in the weak stuff, even when it is broken, is truly impressive.” Pat Dower gives the […] …read more
Track your progress, set goals – and keep pushing. Our in-house acro whizzkid, Théo de Blic, shares his top tips for mastering those tricks. Find out more, subscribe, and never miss an issue …read more