After 4 valid tasks, the Spanish Nationals celebrated in Àger has come to an end. Our team pilot, Xevi Bonet reports:

“We flew 4 excellent tasks. The first day, with westerly winds in the forecast, the task was a 128 km race to goal, a direct line from the official take off to Sant Pere de Torello. The winner of the day was Felix Rodriguez who flew at an average speed of 44 km/h!!!

The second task, of 71 km, started along Àger Valley and continued into Isona Valley. This task finished in the nicest goal in the area, El Xiringito right at the shores of La Pobla de Segur’s swamp. The winner was Mario Arque on his Zeno.

The third task, with more southerly wind flow, we flew straight into the core of the Pyrenees, with goal in the well known Valle de Boi. The young french pilot, Tom Chauvin, won the task on his Zeno.

The fourth and last day of competition, with big cloud developments for the afternoon, the task was a 60 km race to goal towards Vilanova de Meià, flying along Isona Vallley and with goal, once again, in Xiringuito. This time I was the lucky …read more

Source:: Ozone Paragliders

World Cup is the past, Sonchaux is the present, Acro GAME is the future!

World Cup is the past, Sonchaux is the present, Acro GAME is the future!

After last year’s victory once again Théo de Blic (FRA) stands on the top of the podium in Organyá! He made a perfect presentation of how aerobatics paragliding at the highest level looks like today! Receiving only 1 (!) letter during the entire competition it mirrors his precision and solid versatility when it comes down to perform basically anything to any direction. His final battle was with Horacio Llorens (ESP) where Théo finally packed out his secret trick bag and challenged his opponent with pretty much never seen combos like the Twisted Unnatural Looping to Twisted Opposite MacTwist to Helico or the

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Source:: Just Acro

Acro Game – qualifications

Acro Game – qualifications

Yesterday the Acro Game saw the most hardcore qualifying in the history of aerobatics paragliding! The maneuvers were randomly chosen from a ball and included only official FAI maneuvers this time. It was also picked randomly if it had to be performed to the pilot’s natural (stronger) or unnatural (weaker) side and if twisted or regular. The tricks were twisted Misty to Heli unnatural, twisted Anti-Rhythmic, twisted Helico to SAT, …

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Source:: Just Acro

Silver at World Games 2017

The 2017 World Games, held from 20 to 23 July 2017 in Wrocław, Poland, officially called the X World Games is a major international multi sport event, meant for sports, or disciplines or events within a sport, that are not contested in the Olympic Games. This is the first time that paramotor has been included in the World Games as official sport

16 pilots from 6 countries flew 9 precision task during 3 days including slaloms around pylons, bowling landing, water swoops, classic slow-fast and paramotor football.

OZONE pilot from Thailand Kittiphop Phrommat (Eed) finished 2nd flying Viper 4 14 winning World Games Vice Champion title.

Pilots describe the event as new, fun and exciting however French pilots refused to fly slow-fast classic task considering it dangerous, which put Alex Mateos on the 4th position in final results.

Congratulations to all pilots!

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Source:: Ozone Paramotor

Marcin and the Buzz Z5 go for distance, in Poland.

While some pilots were crossing the Alps and some others were racing in the Worlds in Italy, Marcin Szczesny and his Buzz Z5 went for a new personal record in Poland. Here is the note we received from Marcin a few days ago:

“After many days of bad weather, forecasts promised that on Thursday July 6th, we could go far. I decided to take a day off and together with two colleagues went to Pila (sport airport). We were first that day. No one was getting ready to take off, so I decided to fly first. I spread my Buzz Z5 and I got in the air. I released the tow at 600m, and immediately I found a thermal column. First at 1200m above the ground, later at 1500 meters. The clouds started to form nicely . Then I just thought it might be the day to do the first 100km. The beginning was good, after about an hour and a half the crisis got me. At the bottom I saw a village and thought it might be a chance to go up. 170 meters above the ground I caught the thermal with +2m/s. I was quickly under cloud base. Under …read more

Source:: Ozone Paragliders

Looping Green and Blue: Independence’s new reversible harnesses

Independence have updated their reversible lightweight paraglider harness, releasing Looping Green and Looping Blue. designed for hike-and-fly and thermalling, Looping Green and Looping Blue weigh just 3.1kg in the M size. The difference between them lies in the harness strap system: Looping Green has a Get-Up system, where the leg and chest strap are locked […] …read more

Source:: Cross Country – International Free Flying Magazine