Brigitte Kurbel sets new world record

Brigitte Kurbel (GER) set a new women’s world record in Free Distance around a triangle course on her Zeno. After a long walk to launch in Grente (ITA), she spent more than 11 hours in the air to achieve an amazing 263 Km flight. For the flight track, click here.

Brigitte flew six triangles this year, making her the winner of the World XC contest 2019 (women). She flew her Zeno for all but one, for which she piloted the new M7 for a “test-flight” of 231.44 km.

Ramona Eckert (GER) placed second in the XC contest flying her Alpina 3. In Third place was Gabriela Jacober-Wüest (CH) on her Swift 5.

Congrats, and cheers from all the Ozone Team. Thanks for flying OZONE

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Source:: Ozone Paragliders