Demetrio Lozano in the X-Pyr 2016 …read more
Source:: Niviuk
paragliding paramotoring acro hang gliding speed flying bivouac
Demetrio Lozano in the X-Pyr 2016 …read more
Source:: Niviuk
Ignacio Arévalo, fourth in the X-Pyr 2016 …read more
Source:: Niviuk
New Dobermann 2 …read more
Source:: Niviuk
Antoine Girard has broken the 8,000m mark in high-altitude cross-country paragliding, soaring Broad Peak, the world’s 12th highest mountain, in a seven hour flight on Saturday 23 July 2016. According to US adventure pilot Brad Sander, who lives in Pakistan and supplied Antoine with oxygen, Antoine climbed through cloudbase at 6,500m and then soared and […] …read more
Filmmakers in India are crowd-funding what looks like a stunning documentary on paragliding in Bir, India. Filmed over nine months the production team are looking to raise €4,000 to help finish the project. They have raised €670 so far. Find out more here …read more
‘It turns like an Impala trying to escape a Cheetah’ …read more
Source:: Niviuk
Cross Country magazine’s editor Ed Ewing talks to vol-biv adventurer Gavin McClurg about his 750km Alaska expedition in the latest Cloudbase Mayhem podcast. Gavin is a regular contributor to Cross Country magazine, and writes a column for the magazine every other month. A veteran podcaster, in the past year he’s interviewed some of the top […] …read more
Yesterday the justACRO Boogie kicked off at the acro mecca, Ossiachersee, Gerlitzen!
In the afternoon 33 pilots participated in the first spectacular all-together-flight to color up the sky! We are expecting many more pilots to join during the week so snap your buddies, pack up your vans and come down here to have fun with us! 😉
More pictures here!
Source:: Just Acro
The second event of the US Nationals wrapped up this past Saturday after 5 valid tasks. Task 4 of Chelan 2016 saw the longest competition paragliding task ever flown.
OZONE Team Pilot, Cody Mittanck reports:
“Unbelievable. Chelan does it again! In the previous 2014 nationals, we set a world record for task distance at 205km. Last year Australia went even further at 215 km. Maybe it’s manifest destiny or maybe Chelan really is just that GOOD, but on the penultimate day of the comp, after already 3 long and difficult tasks, we reclaimed the world record flying 228km! Not only is the distance mind blowing, but more than 60 pilots made goal, most of which crushed their previous personal bests. The leaders were deep in the bar, pushing their skinny comp wings to the limit, while getting hoovered under cloud streets and keeping their mouths closed through thermal hurricanes thick with dust. In these conditions it only took 4.5 hours to cross the goal line. Side note… local hero Matt Henzi wasn’t satisfied with only one record for the day, so he continued on past goal to set the Washington state record at 310km. But the coolest story has to be Krista …read more
Source:: Ozone Paragliders
Gold and Bronze at the British Open Matagais …read more
Source:: Niviuk