The next Paragliding World Cup will take place in Aksaray in the centre of Turkey from the 8th to 15th of September.

The pilots will be taking off from the slopes of Hasan Dagi, a 3270m dormant volcano. Apart from the mountain the take off is on, the terrain is mostly flat with small foothills dotted around and some impressive gorges.
The flying can be quite technical, once you’re established in the flats, where the ground level is about 1000m, conditions can often change from booming to mincey and back to booming again on one transition. Switching gears will be the key to success in this stunning location which is a photographers paradise.

For Harry Bloxham, his most memorable flying experience, was in the Pre-World Cup at Hasan Dagi, Askaray in 2016. Asked about his favourite site, Hasan Dagi came out tops. Eight out of the top ten from the 2016 Pre World Cup will be there to compete again, so there seem to be lots of thumbs up for this new World Cup venue!

Don’t forget to keep up with all the action in what promises to be another great competition via the live Commentary and tracking on the PWCA app and watch …read more

Source:: Ozone Paragliders


The week started off with an extremely pessimistic meteo. However, thanks to excellent forecasting 6 amazing, fully valid tasks were achieved, with an average of more than 100 km per day.

‘Convergence’ was the ‘Mot du comp,’ making each day tactically interesting with lots of route choices.

We had some of the most innovative task setting the World Cup has ever seen. Task 4, a day which many thought should have been cancelled, culminated in a very exciting concentric circles final section. Pilots raced into End of Speed from absolutely every direction. The scores were so close that there were 3 task winners!

The last day was nail biting with, once again, a choice of flats, fly the course line to sweep up the lead out points, or follow the longer, but faster, mountain route.

The race for first place was between three pilots all flying Enzo 3s: Gleb Sukhotskiy, overall leader at the start of task 6, Jurij Vidic, winner of the previous World Cup in Gemona Italy and Brazilian rising star, Rafael De Moraes Barros.

In the end was Gleb Sukhotskiy who took the win.

Méryl Delferriere, also on an Enzo 3, was first lady every day and won …read more

Source:: Ozone Paragliders