Himalayan flying guru, Debu Choudhury has set a new Indian distance record in his backyard . This flight was also, the biggest flat triangle ever flown in Asia.

In Debu’s words:

“Every year around the 20th of April a few of us get together In Bir and have a week of flying and trying to set a new distance record, it’s just a number but it helps with the motivation and is a good excuse to fly as much and as far as possible during some of the best conditions of the year (if you are lucky).

This year the day for me was the 23rd of April, we got to launch around 8 and started getting ready, unfortunately my partner in crime Fredi Bach had a small issue this day, his camelback leaked all into his reserve on the ride up and so he had to repack etc, so I was on my own for the day, and took of around 9:15, conditions were weak initially but as I got 20 km into the flight it started to come on nicely and the day was looking promising, I kept pushing to build up my average speed and after a few hours I …read more

Source:: Ozone Paragliders


Antoine Girard and Martin Beaujouan-Berger have concluded their epic journey in South America. Their 1600km adventure took some unexpected turns through the Andes.

In Antoine’s words:

“The initial objective was to achieve 2700 km of bivouac flight including 1700 km of exploration.
We realized 1600km of which 700km completely new. We tried to fly and walk the rest of the 900km, but it was not possible to do it only in bivouac flight… We used the bus a lot. It’s the game of exploration, we don’t know in advance what we are going to find. In the south, a consistently stable atmosphere due to the luxuriant vegetation hindered us. Walking was almost impossible, for example we took 3 days to advance only 50km. To the north is a permanent coastal breeze between the ocean and the Altiplano which is too strong… but we managed to climb on foot and fly volcanoes like the 5672m Ubinas, near Arequipa, Peru.
On the other hand all the central part of the Cordillera flew perfectly! A wild environment in a mountainous desert. No paraglider had everdared to venture there because of the lack of civilization. The main difficulty was finding water. We had to fly with 10 liters …read more

Source:: Ozone Paragliders