Paragliding across Canada

Paragliding across the entire span of Canada’s Southwestern Mountain ranges this summer, OZONE’s Benjamin Jordan discovered that impossible is sometimes just a code-word for fun.

His adventure, “From Pacific to Prairie” took the 35-year old filmmaker from glacial peak to high desert to rocky mountains, landing high when possible and near villages to re-stock supplies when needed.

Solo and unsupported, Jordan took his time, walking only when necessary and spending time on-summit for up to one week during bouts of temperamental Canadian weather. Though often in solitude, hikers would occasionally find the pilot playing ukulele, waiting out stability or strong winds, and ask how many days had passed or how much distance he’d covered. “They thought I was being an a**hole” he said “because I had no clue. But it didn’t matter to me, and, if I was looking at those numbers I probably would have gone crazy!”

In the end it took him 39 days to cover 1000 km, much of which had not previously been flown. The first 100 km of the journey was made on foot as Jordan marched away from the stabilizing effects of the Pacific sea breeze. Once nestled in the mountains, things came together and, despite having …read more

Source:: Ozone Paragliders