Superfinal 2016-Valadares,Brazil

The 2016 SuperFinal in the green hills of Valadares, Brazil has come to an end.

Governador Valadares delivered consistent conditions that allowed the pilots to race ten out of ten days of competition.

The Zeno, our EN D glider, featured strongly in this competition winning six out of ten tasks. Team pilot and former Superfinal winner, Charles Cazaux, took third place overall flying his Zeno.

Our resident ninja, Seiko Fukuoka, didn’t have a good start but during the last day of competition she came back strong taking the female title, ahead of Nicole Fedele (2nd) and Laurie Genovese (3rd). All flying Zenos.

Congrats to all the pilots and to the main winner, Aaron Durogati.

To close this event OZONE team pilot, Cody Mittanck, shares his last report from Brazil (thanks Cody!):

“What a crazy finale, complete with strong wind, rain, massive shade, and huge cloud suck. From the start we had 25 kph winds at launch running parallel to the ridge. Intermittent thermals were coming up both sides, but no matter what side you launched from you immediately felt like you were in the lee. The weekend spectators were riveted by all the …read more

Source:: Ozone Paragliders