Las Candelas 2013 (With Video)

Alex Mateos just returned from the Las Candelas PPG event. Scroll down for a great video! Alex reports:

“I was sitting at home in France during a cold spell in winter, dreaming of flying my paramotor in the sun… and then I remembered that the Las Candelas event in the south of Spain is the perfect place to fly paramotor in my t-shirt! I checked the weather conditions, called my friend Aurelien, and made a quick decision. We packed lots of toys: Macfly Thor 200 paramotors, 3 new Ozone Slalom wings, our Viper 2 20 and new demo Speedster 22 and we decided to hit the road early. Already on thursday we were in the sky over the beautiful lake of Las Puebla de los Infantes. The location of the event, next to magnificant lake, was a perfect playground. Light wind conditions allowed us to play over the water, doing endless footdrags and easy wing tip touches! What a place!

Sunny weather meant lots of pilots this year at the event. I was happy to show our new Slalom wing and the Speedster 22 to all of them. On Friday our youngest team mate, Nicolas Aubert, joined us and we flew together a lot. He was happy to try the new Slalom 19, which has just arrived for him. We had lots of fun sharing our flying passion with Spanish friends. As every year, we enjoyed the Spanish food and village fiestas with big fires all night on the streets of La Puebla. Saturday and Sunday the wind picked up. The conditions were not very stable, but we could still fly the smallest sizes of Slalom (19) and Speedster (16). Sunday afternoon we said goodbye to our Spainish friends and the Spanish sun and hit the road back to the French snow.
Source: Ozone Paramotor