The OZONE Chabre Open 2017, just came to an end after a fun week of camaraderie and flying in southern France. The Chabre Vol Libre Team reports:

“The 12th OZONE Chabre Open finished on a high after five tasks in beautiful conditions. Surely, one of the best we’ve had. Even the windy first two days allowed pilots to free fly at St Jean Monclar and St Vincent Les Forts. The competition hotted up over the next five days, as did the weather, and the fifth task gave rise to a few upsets in the final rankings.

Task setting, briefings and de-briefings were led by the inimitable Jocky Sanderson, who was a star, as usual. Jocky’s skill and experience in cross country flying, SIV, safety and training, his enthusiasm to help pilots improve and his animated briefings and de-briefings truly make the competition the best learning environment for any budding XC or competition pilot, and provides great entertainment for us all.

Loads of prizes were handed out, courtesy of OZONE and Cross Country Magazine. All of the winners got an OZONE rucksack full of goodies!
After the meal, the prize draw: Soooo many prizes. This year’s OZONE glider winner was Karl Ford, he …read more

Source:: Ozone Paragliders