Sebastian Barthmes wins the German DHV XC League

Sebastian is a young but extremely successful and innovative pilot. To win the 2017 XC League, he flew only three triangles in the Alps! His first two flights were on the LM6. For the last flight, he tested the Zeno and completed a massive 271km triangle, making clear his decision on what wing he would choose in 2018.

His passion for creative lines and big flights has taken him on some unique adventures. Last March, he planned a vol-bivouac-flight from his home in Bassano, to the Eastern Bavarian Alps. But the tent turned out to be unnecessary – Sebastian flew directly from Bassano all the way to the Zillertal valley. To read about this adventure, clickhere.

For the DHV XC 2017 results, click here.
Cheers and congrats from all the OZONE Team.

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Source:: Ozone Paragliders