After setting three world distance records in her homeland Brazil, Marcella Uchoa has finished 2018 at the top of the podium as Brazilian female PG champion.

In Marcella’s words:

“This year was very intense for me. My main goals/dreams of the 2018 season were to beat the Female World Record of distance and to become Female Brazilian Champion. I worked really hard and was lucky enough to achieve both goals. With a big plus because I beat three Female World Records and also got in the Brazilian National Competition the best result of a woman in the history of Brazilian paragliding! Although, it was not easy to get here. As it was my first year flying a CCC wing I had to prepare myself to be ready to face the big air conditions of Brazilian northeast. So, I engaged to every competition possible and flew the most I could. Also, I did a SIV course (with Brazilian League support) on Enzo3 S to help me to know the wing and get confident about my skills. Furthermore, I participated in three PWCs this season (Baixo Guandu, Bulgaria and Turkey) and even though I got frustrated for not conquering the results I expected, they …read more

Source:: Ozone Paragliders

Olympic Wings special paragliding events in 2019!

Announcement on the 2019 paragliding special events organized and offered in Greece by Olympic Wings. XC seminars – with Ronny Helgesen and the Olympic Wings edition XC Olympos-, Flying Safaris across Greece top flying sites of the North, Flight Techniques and first steps to cross country distance flying with Chris Geist, groundhandling and kiting training […] …read more

Source:: Paragliding Hellas

Tandem Pilot Paragliding Course

Olympic Wings offers exclusive TANDEM paragliding courses to pilots who wish to learn how to fly with passengers safely. from 30.03. to 06.04.2019 Tandem paragliding course points: Official maximized safety standards Technical and tactical flying of a tandem glider Tandem equipment functionality – Weight range & Speed range Psychological techniques to help […] …read more

Source:: Paragliding Hellas