The 13th OZONE Chabre Open was a great success with 124 pilots competing in 6 classes, flying 3 tasks plus a practice task. The flying season had been slow to start this year, with only a few good days between April and June: windy and stormy. But after a cracking pre-comp week, the competition started on 30th June with a 42km practice task, in good conditions, resulting in 55 pilots in goal.
With Meet Director, Jocky Sanderson in control, the competition saw 3 great tasks over the next four days: 75km from Chabre to Chorges (45 in goal), 61km from Chabre to La Batie Neuve (54 in goal) and 40km from Chabre to Veynes (69 in goal). Over-development caused problems on Tuesday and Thursday, with one cancelled task and one cancelled day. Friday, unfortunately, was a ‘petit mistral’ and too windy to even consider going up to the take-off. But there were perfect conditions at St Vincent Les Forts, where pilots had a truly chilled flying finish to the week.
There were no less than 34 Rookies (no previous competition experience) this year, and there were dozens of ‘goal virgins’ and ‘personal bests’ claiming
Source:: Ozone Paragliders