Spring has brought some fine conditions to the UK. Our friend, Wayne Seeley, shares the details of an epic weekend in his homeland:

“Saturday the 19th May dawned with clear skies and light winds forecast, the team at XCLENT decided to attempt a 105km declared triangle. launching from our tow site at 11am we were soon climbing and heading off to tp1, the first 20k went well with good cumulus but then we had to cross 40km of blue sky, this went quite well and as we neared tp2 we again reached cumulus and had plentiful strong climbs up to 6000ft all along the Cotswold edge back to our goal, 4 of us made it around the course , Wayne Seeley (Zeno) Graham steel (Zeno) Guy Anderson (Enzo3) and Richard Osbourne (Zeno) with the first two closing the triangle in 5hrs. The following day gave similar conditions with more breeze but a few of us managed to get around a 85km triangle thanks to the almighty into wind performance of the Zenos”

For flight tracks: Wayne’s, Graham’s and Richard’s

Cheers and congrats from all the OZONE team.

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Source:: Ozone Paragliders


New size 19 has been added to Sirocco 2 range. Smaller size of the Sirocco 2 9 is much more agile and aggressive. It is suitable for experiences pilots who are searching for more dynamic characteristics than the bigger sizes, but less demanding than the Freeride
Emilia Plak says: “The new Sirocco 2 19, is the perfect toy for every day flying. It is agile, fast and stable, very easy to use. Great wing for a pilot that wants to fly a small, safe and fun wing”

More info about Sirocco 2 here

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Source:: Ozone Paramotor